Conference presentations
Material of talks and posters presented in various conferences
MicroPattern Gaseous Detectors: construction and applications in large tracking systems (
20th Zimányi School Winter Workshop on Heavy Ion Physics (2020-12-09)
Detector Developments for high performance Muography applications (
Vienna Conference on Instrumentation, TUW (2019.02.)
MPGD hole-by-hole gain scanning by UV excited single photoelectron detection (
Vienna Conference on Instrumentation, TUW (2019.02.)
LEOPARD: High resolution scanner for MPGD detector developments (
Zimányi Winter School on Heavy Ion Physics 2017, Budapest, Wigner (2017.12.)
Geant4 based simulation of the Multi-Blade detector for validation and investigation of scattering
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Atlanta, USA (2017.11.)
Leopard system progress, Task 13.4.4 (
AIDA-2020 2st Annual Meeting 2017, Paris, LPNHE (2017.04.)
Leopard: microscopic tool for (T)GEM quality test (
Zimányi Winter School on Heavy Ion Physics 2016, Budapest, Wigner (2016.12.)
Investigation of the Properties of Thick-GEM Photocathodes by Microscopic Scale Measurements with Single Photo-electrons (ENG Slides)
International Workshop on Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors (RICH 2016) Bled, Slovenia, (2016.09.)
High Granularity Scanner for MPGD Based Photon Detectors (ENG Slides)
Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 2014 (TIPP) Amsterdam, Netherlands, (2016.06.)
Leopard system progress within the AIDA-2020 (
AIDA-2020 1st Annual Meeting 2016, Hamburg, DESY (2016.06.)
First High Resolution Leopard Scan on a Standard GEM foil (ENG Slides)
RD51 MiniWeek, CERN, Switzerland, (2016.06.)
Képalkotás kozmikus részecskék nyomkövetésével
Magyar Fizikus Vándorgyűlés - Szeged (2016)
Portable cosmic particle detectors for subsurface density mapping (abstract)
EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna Austria, (2016.04)
"Leopard" system progress within the AIDA-2020
RD51 Collaboration Meeting, CERN, Switzerland, (2016.03.)
High Resolution Single Photon Scanning Device for ThickGEMs (ENG Slides)
Conference on Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGD2015) Trieste, Italy, (2015.10.)
Data Acquisition System for Portable Detectors (ENG Slides)
Muographers2015 Tokyo, Japan, (2015.06.)
Nagy impulzusú részecskék vizsgálata nehézion ütközésekben (Investigation of High Momentum Particles in Heavy Ion Collisions) (HUN Slides)
Doktori védés (PhD Defense) ELTE TTK, Budapest, Hungary, (2015.05.)
Leopard Measurements in Trieste (ENG Slides)
RD51 Collaboration Meeting, CERN, Switzerland, (2015.03.)
Mikromintázatú detektorok forradalma a részecskefizikában (Revolution of Micro Pattern Detectors in Physics (hun)) (HUN Slides)
Simonyi Nap 2014 (Simonyi Day 2014), Budapest WignerRCP, Hungary, (2014.10.)
RD51 Common Project Status of the Leopard Project (ENG Slides)
RD51 Collaboration Meeting, CERN, Switzerland, (2014.02.)
Close Cathode Chamber Technology for Cosmic Particle Tracking (en)
Micropattern Gaseous Detector Upgrades at LHC (ENG Slides)
Zimányi Winter School Budapest, Hungary, (2013.12.)
Innovative Gaseous Particle Detector R&D (Link)
Innovative Gaseous Particle Detector R&D (Poster)
Innovatív Gáztöltésű Részecskedetektorok (Poster)
Hordozható kozmikusrészecske-detektor alkalmazott kutatásokra (Poster)
Applications of Cosmic Muon Tracking at Shallow Depths Underground (Link)
Low Momentum Particle Detector at the NA61/SHINE Experiment (Link)
TCPD - a TGEM Based Hybrid UV Photon Detector for Cherenkov Applications (Link)
High Resolution Single Photon Scanning Device for ThickGEMs (Poster)
Close Cathode Chamber - a New Variant of MWPCs (Poster)
Cosmic Background Measurements at a Proposed Underground Laboratory in Felsenkeller (Dresden, Germany) by the REGARD Muontomograph (poster) (Link)
Gáztöltésű részecskedetektorok fejlesztése (Link)
Portable Cosmic Particle Detector for Investigation of Underground Rock Inhomogeneities (Link)
Muon Flux measured in the Felsenkeller by the Regard Muon Tomograph (Link)
Hordozható kozmikusrészecske-detektor alkalmazott kutatásokra (poszter) (Link)
High Resolution Scan for Micropattern Gaseous Photon Detectors
Vastag-GEM alapú mikrostruktúrás fotondetektorok (Link)
Vastag-GEM alapú mikrostruktúrás foton detektorok
Kőzet-inhomogenitások vizsgálata kozmikus részecskékkel (Link)
CCC-based Muontelescope for Examination of Natural Caves (Link)
Kincskeresés kozmikus müonokkal (Link)
Low Momentum Particle Detector at NA61/SHINE Experiment (Link)
TCPD - a ThickGEM+Wire Chamber Combination for Cherenkov Photon Detection (Link)
High Resolution Scan of ThickGEM Surface with Single Photo-electrons (Link)
Data acquisition system for portable particle detector (Link)
High pT Trigger Detector for the LHC ALICE Experiment (Link)
Gaseous Beam Position Detectors, with Low Cost and Low Material Budget (Link)
HPTD Beam Test (L0 and MIP) Aug. 2011. at PS T10 Preliminary Results (Link)
Close Cathode Chamber : MWPC With Reduced Material Budget and Reduced Requirements on Mechanichal Precision
Close Cathode Chamber: MWPC With Reduced Material Budget and Reduced Requirements on Mechanical Precision (Link)
VHMPID : High PT Upgrade for ALICE
Az ALICE és a REGARD kollaborációk (Link)
Föld alatti üregek vizsgálata kozmikus részecskék segítségével (Prezentáció)
High Momentum Upgrade for ALICE : VHMPID and Its Present State
Muon tomography experiments in the Jánossy pit (Előadás)
MWPC option for HPTD: the Close Cathode Chamber (Előadás)
HPTD test beam measurements at PS in aug. 2010. (Link)
HPTD test beam measurements at PS in aug. 2010. (Link)
Physics Application of Gaseous Detectors: R&D for ALICE and NA61
HPTD test beam measurements at PS (Link)
Detector development projects in Budapest (Link)
Vastag-GEM trigger az LHC ALICE kísérletben (Előadás)
Status and workplan of the VHMPID/HPTD/Hardware group (Link)
Test Beam Measurements for a TGEM Based Trigger Detector (Link)
Thick-GEM Based Trigger Detector development (Poster)
Status and workplan of the VHMPID/HPTD/Hardware group (Link)