Tudományos cikkek, könyvfejezetek, és konferenciakiadványok a REGARD Csoport munkáiból
Varga Dezső csoportvezető publikációs listái: Google Scholar, MTMT válogatott lista
Toward low gas consumption of muographic tracking detectors in field applications (DOI, ArXiv)
J. Appl. Phys. 129, 244901 (2021)
Direct measurements of the properties of Thick-GEM reflective photocathodes (DOI)
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 972 (2020) 164099
A GEM based TPC for beam monitoring (DOI)
JINST, 15 C08027 (2020)
MPGD hole-by-hole gain scanning by UV excited single photoelectron detection (DOI)
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 15th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation (2019)
Detector developments for high performance Muography applications (DOI)
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 15th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation (2019)
Investigation of neutron scattering in the Multi-Blade detector with Geant4 simulations (DOI)
Journal of Instrumentation, 13, (2018) P12031
MWPC-based Muographic Observation System for remote monitoring of active volcanoes (DOI)
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 14th Pisa meeting proceedings (2018)
Muography with Multi-Wire-Proportional-Chamber-based Tracking Detectors
Journal of the Japan Society of Photographic Science 2018 81, No. 3: 269-274
Investigation of soft component in cosmic ray detection (DOI)
Astroparticle Physics, Volume 93, (2017)
First report of long term measurements of the MGGL laboratory in the Mátra mountain range (DOI)
Classical and Quantum Gravity, Volume 34, Number 11, (2017)
Képalkotás Kozmikus Részecskék Nyomkövetésével (
Fizikai Szemle 2017/03, (2017)
First cosmic-ray images of bone and soft tissue (DOI)
Europhysics Letters, Volume 116, Number 4, (2016)
Convergence and Error Propagation Results on a Linear Iterative Unfolding Method (arXiv)
SIAM JUQ 4, (2016), 1345
High Efficiency Gaseous Tracking Detector for Cosmic Muon Radiography (DOI)
Advances in High Energy Physics Volume 2016 (2016), 1962317
Single electron multiplication distribution in GEM avalanches (arXiv)
Journal of Instrumentation 11, (2016), P10017
Analytic Approximation of Energy Resolution in Cascaded Gaseous Detectors (arXiv)
Advances in High Energy Physics 2016, (2016), 8561743
Cosmic Background Measurements at a Proposed Underground Laboratory by the REGARD Muontomograph (DOI)
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 665, (2016), 012032
Novel approach to imaging by cosmic-ray muons (DOI)
Europhysics Letters, Volume 113, Number 5, (2016)
Muography: Perspective Drawing in the 21st Century (
Tokyo:The University Museum, The University of Tokyo., (2015)
Cosmic Muon Detector Using Proportional Chambers (arXiv)
Eur.J.Phys. 36, (2015), 065006
Design and performance of the data acquisition system for the NA61/SHINE experiment at CERN (arXiv, DOI)
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 798, (2015), p. 1-11.
Close Cathode Chamber technology for cosmic particle tracking (DOI)
24th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Kiel, proceedings, (2014)
Low momentum particle detector for the NA61 experiment at CERN
NIM A 763, p 372-382 (2014) [arXiv]
Portable tracking detector for cosmic background measurements (DOI)
Nuclei in Cosmos 2014, Debrecen, conference proceedings (2014)
Applications of Cosmic Muon Tracking at Shallow Depth Underground (DOI)
Astroparticle, Particle, Space Physics and Detectors for Physics Applications (2014) pp. 280-284.
TCPD, a TGEM based hybrid UV photon detector (DOI)
Journal of Instrumentation 8 (2013) C12038 (2013.12.)
Szerkezetvizsgálat kozmikus részecskékkel (
Természet Világa, 2013. áprilisi szám
Cosmic Muon Detection for Geophysical Applications (DOI)
Advances in High Energy Physics, Vol. 2013 (2013), 560192
Close cathode chamber: Low material budget MWPC (DOI)
NIM A 698, p 11-18 (2013.01.)
Kozmikus müonok elnyelődése vas és ólom abszorbensben (
Nukleon, V. évf, 122 (2012.12.)
Portable cosmic muon telescope for environmental applications (DOI)
NIM A 689, p 60-69 (2012.10.)
CCC-based muon telescope for examination of natural caves (DOI)
Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 1, 229-234 (2012.12.)
High resolution surface scanning of Thick-GEM for single photo-electron detection (DOI)
NIM A 694, p 16-23 (2012.12.)
KINCSKERESÉS KOZMIKUS MÜONOKKAL, avagy kozmikus müondetektálás alkalmazott kutatásokban (
Fizikai Szemle 2011/12.401.o. (2011.12.)
Asymmetric Multi-Wire Proportional Chamber with reduced requirements to mechanical precision (DOI)
NIM A 648, p 163-167 (2011.08.)
Vastag-GEM alapú trigger detektor az LHC ALICE kísérletében (
MNT Nukleon 2. 47 (2009.10.)
Thick-GEM Based Trigger Detector development for ALICE(DOI)
IEEE NSS Conference Record (2008.12.)